Oct 18, 2012

Recipe: Chocolate Ganache

It has been called dark gold.

It has been called the heavenly nectar.

It has been the sole source of comfort in times of extreme stress and sadness. 

Have it white, milk, or bitterly dark. Have it with nuts, with fruits, with mint, with caramel. Have it plain. Have it in baked goods, savory dishes, melted, in its raw form. 

Until today, I don't know of many people who can resist the siren call of chocolate.

Just like how I don't know what problem that cannot be solved, what heartache that can't be mend with inordinate amounts of this cocoa product. 

I like my chocolate bitter. 60% and above. Plain. Melted. And eaten with a spoon. 

Here is my fail-proof, brainless, delicious recipe for a simple chocolate ganache that you can use to frost cakes, muffins, eaten with strawberries or marshmallows, or take a bath in. 

1/2 cup of dark chocolate chips/bar
1/3 cup of heavy cream
1 tsp butter
1/8 tsp salt

1. Bring cream to a slight simmer. Notice the tiny bubbles along the edges of the pot.
2. Pour into bowl with chocolate chips/bar*
3. Leave it for 5-7 minutes.
4. Stir gently. This is the therapeutic part of working with chocolate. Taste at any point for fun.
5. Add in salt and teaspoon of butter for that perfect gloss at the end.  
6. Use (Eat)  immediately. 
7. To reheat, put bowl of ganache on top of another pot with 2 inches of simmering water. This is called a double boiler. Leave it on top of the pot until chocolate is melted again.

This is my favorite type of chocolate. Both for cooking and also daily consumption. It is available at higher end grocery stores for RM19.90 per bag. If you can't find it, any good quality chocolate bar (try Lindt) would also work.

Two of my favorite things in the world - Lilac nails and chocolate covered marshmallows.

Happy baking.

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