Oct 12, 2012

Are You Down for a Double Down?

This is the new KFC Zinger Double Down. 

In a nutshell, or in this case, grease proof paper, is two pieces of Zinger burger fillets in all its deep fried glory sandwiching a piece of turkey bacon covered in mayo and cheese sauce. This bad boy here will set you back at RM8.90 for ala carte and RM11 for a soft drink of choice. 

Oh and also 600 calories and approximately a day's worth of sodium intake. 

But boring details aside, the more important question here is, how does it taste?

Well the thing is this - you can hardly go wrong with deep fried chicken and cheese. The Double Down offers what people always want - the 'good stuff' without the hassle of wasting stomach space on buns and vegetables (like pickles, ugh). 

If you eat it piping hot out of the box (which I personally recommend), on the first bite, you get the heat from the Zinger fillets, the saltiness (getting your money's worth here) and creaminess of that duo of sauces and that turkey bacon, is just there for the sake of putting something in the middle. 

In my opinion, that pathetic piece of turkey bacon should be replaced with another Zinger fillet (just saying). 

Is it greasy? Perhaps slightly more than your usual burger fix as you now lack the buns to absorb the extra grease (and the guilt on your soul). 

It does get cloying towards the end, for me at least. I mean we are talking battered chicken pieces and mayo here. (I am sorry my stomach can be such a girl some times)

But by no means is it not delicious. If anything, this could be an amazing hangover/late night supper fix. 

I would eat one if I were you, (or three, if you're anything like my brother). 

Just get a coleslaw on the side if that makes you sleep better at night.

Life's too short anyway, to not clog your arteries once in awhile. 

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