Sep 13, 2013

Maggi Burger.

Early this August, Keizo AjinomotoToyota-something thought of this and it made the white people go crazy, line up for hours and even encouraged hoarding.

Turns out obesity ain't their only problem.

Keizo-san wanted to combine his love for ramen and the iconic hamburger into one catatonic creation. 

But this is Malaysia, and we don't eat Ramen. 

We are children raised on the goodness and nutrition of one type of instant noodles only. 

If you're a Malaysian, you will fondly remember the steam from the bowls of Maggi curry sold in your primary school canteens fogging up your spectacles.

You would remember the familiar smell of Maggi chicken that your mum or grandma used to make for you. With an egg added of course. 

Not to mention the endless Maggi gorengs you've had in mamak stalls. 

Maggi is so amazing and versatile, it's no wonder some of my friend's culinary abilities never extended beyond that. 

After some extensive research Googling, a common complaint is how bland the noodle buns are. 

So the first thing you must do is discard the seasonings that come with your noodle packet. Those are really unhealthy monosodium glutamate hair loss cancer inducing bad for you.

Instead, boil your noodles as per package instructions in water seasoned with Knorr's chicken seasoning powder.

Replace a vice with another vice. 

While that is boiling away, line the 'moulds' of which you will use to form your patties. I wouldn't suggest you making them too thick in the risk that they might fall apart. 

You can use ramekins if you want. I would but my mother don't think that they are worthy investments.

In a separate bowl, whisk together two eggs. This is your binding agent.

 I did one egg to one noodle ratio because I really want sturdy patties that won't fall apart when i bite/cut into them. 

After your noodles are cooked, drain them well and cool them slightly. If not you will get scrambled eggs.

Add your beaten eggs and divide them equally in the moulds. Pad them down firmly.

Now you have to weigh it down. I stack both patties on each other, added another plate and weighed them down with a jar of marinara sauce.

I would suggest you find some jar/can that weighs it down evenly. As mine was smaller, as it was chillin' in the fridge, it moved and affected the shape of my buns.

My buns (heh) came out a bit weird and somewhat lopsided. 

Let it set overnight in the fridge. Some recipes call for 1hr, I'd rather be safe than sorry.

Pan fry your buns in a little bit of oil until golden brown on both sides. I suggest medium to high heat to get a good sear/color and then if you are worried about the raw egg, put it into the oven for 10 minutes to warm it through.

My buns did not fall apart but I would still suggest that you be gentle when you flip it. 

What you put between these Maggi buns is up to you. My grocer had some freshly made chilled Angus patties. 

Alternatively, you can use my meatball recipe and just flatten them out into patties. 

These were my condiments: lettuce and tomatoe, cheese, caramelized onions and a fried egg.

But by all means, be more ambitious than me. 

This is what you will end up with.

A messy, satisfying burger that would make the rise in petrol prices slightly bearable.

Happy Malaysia Day, everyone!

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