Jan 6, 2014

I Ate: Cakes from Baker's Art KL

December is my favourite month of the year. 

When I was in school, December was when the holidays started. December was the month when my family would organize a trip of some sort. December is both me and my daddy's birthday month. December has Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and New Year's Eve! 

December is also the month where I have the perfect excuse to eat at least 3.5 cakes in the span of a week. 

Baker's Art KL prides themselves in handmade pastries and cakes without the use of preservatives. You can find a variety of unique baked goods not commonly found in your standard bakeries such as Financiers and Rainbow Charlotte.

Baker's Art KL goods are made to order, therefore they do not have a physical bakery of which you can walk in and buy things off the shelf. This is to guarantee that your cakes and desserts are truly fresh when you receive them.

So how do you buy cakes without a bakery? Easy - through Cookie Jar Malaysia. I have been pleased with the customer service offered (Read my brownie experience here) and having cakes delivered right to my doorstep goes hand in hand with my 2014 New Year Resolution:

To reduce all forms of cardio activity and minimize driving. 

The first cake that I got was Red Velvet Cake, or Velvety.

Yes, I know. This cake has been replicated to its second death. I was never a big fan because traditional red velvets come with a cream cheese frosting which can be quite cloying after my fourth slice. 


This one however, is frosted with imported Belgian chocolate ganache all around and in between the layers of the signature red-colored cocoa flavored sponge. 

What  you get is a perfect balance of bitterness from the chocolate to the sweetness of the cake. In no way is it going to make you "jelak", fourth slice or not. 

This cake should be refrigerated and eaten immediately as the chocolate will melt at room temperature if left out too long. 

Why would you wait anyway?

If like yours truly, chocolate is your Kryptonite, you and I should be best friends. 

You should also try Chocolate Opulence.

Before I say anything, have a look at this beauty.

Layers of moist chocolate sponge held together by bitter-sweet Belgian chocolate ganache. 

Tell me if that wasn't the most beautiful sentence you've ever read.

This cake is simple but a perfect example of how when done right, a simple chocolate cake can be amazing. 

This cake is rich. A small slice would more than satisfy.

But quoting the kitchen goddess Nigella Lawson, "Too much of a good thing can be great"

For my daddy's birthday, we wanted something lighter. So we ordered Light Lemon Cheesecake

This Japanese Cotton Cheesecake was scented with lemon and speckled with vanilla seeds. 

It was light and airy - that's how I convinced myself that it is perfectly okay to eat another slice. 

Now for the pièce de résistance that capped off my awesome December, this was the cake I got for my 22nd birthday. 

The cake was layers of chocolate and vanilla sponge with chocolate ganache and orange buttercream. 

The decoration was hand pulled sugar roses and the sides adorned with chocolate beads.

Needless to say, I had a very very happy birthday. 

Whether your vice is either one of the above cakes or all of them, Cookie Jar Malaysia makes it easier to fulfil the sin of gluttony. Check out their website for other goodies!

Cookie Jar Malaysia Website

Cookie Jar Malaysia Facebook Page

Happy 2014 everyone! May this year bring you happiness, success and very good eats. 

pssst! Cookie Jar Malaysia accepts Cash on Delivery and also all major credit cards.

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