Nov 12, 2012

Recipe: Chicken Schnitzel

I think a man who cooks is sexy.

 You know how they say a way through a man's heart is through his stomach thrust in and stab upward - the same applies to women too. 

What better way to please your woman then in the kitchen, right? 

And besides, its the 21st century so we should all move away from the notion that cooking is a female responsibility, or that cooking are for wusses. This is why all you eat are cup noodles

The kitchen is a dangerous place. Try frying fish or baking - I swear you will look at the women of your life with greater reverence. 

This dish is simple. And it involves some pounding action. And breasts. It is also my brother's recipe and favorite dish (three guesses why that is so). It is also cheap, the ingredients are easily available, and can be dressed up or down. You can have it with sides, bake it in a cheese/tomato sauce, put in between bread to make the ultimate Manwich. Or maybe make two, put bacon and cheese sauce in between to make your own Double Down

Try it. It'll get you some* - money back guaranteed. 

4 Chicken breasts
Dry Italian Mixed Herbs (I use Masterfoods)
Panko bread crumbs
2 eggs (beaten)
Salt and Pepper to taste
Vegetable Oil
Lemon wedges for garnish

1. First you need to set up a breading station. In three separate dishes, have your flour (seasoned with salt and pepper), beaten eggs and lastly your bread crumbs (season with salt, pepper and italian herbs)
Brother's notes:  I would OVER season the breadcrumbs somewhat as most of it tends to fall off during cooking process)

2. In a ziplock bag (to prevent chicken pieces splattering everywhere), pound the chicken breasts to a uniform thickness. The thinner you go, the faster your chicken would cook.
BN: Don't do it too hard. Or it will bruise and be ugly. Gently does it. 

3. Dredge the chicken first in flour, then egg then bread crumbs, using your finger tips to gently press it onto the meat. Leave to rest for 5 to 10 minutes.

4. Pan fry breaded chicken breasts in vegetable oil until golden brown on both sides. This depends on the thickness of the breasts. Be careful to not burn your breadcrumbs. You may want to put it into a 180C oven for 5-10 minutes to finish cooking.
BN: Once the chicken is flipped over the other side with the last 30 seconds to being done, drop a knob of butter in the pan. This would add flavor instead of cooking it entirely in butter.

5. Serve hot with lemon wedges. 

*Compliments, that is.

Happy schinitzel-ing.

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