Nov 21, 2012

Recipe: Spaghetti Meatballs

"Show me a man without vice and I'll show you  a man without virtue" - Abraham Lincoln

Well if that is so, then mine isn't lust, nor drink or the calming effects of nicotine. 

My one and only vice are meatballs. 

 These are the ingredients for the filling, missing an unborn chicken fetus egg.  

I used a combination of beef and pork. You can of course omit the pork but you can never never ever use a lean cut of meat. Repeat after me: Fat is Flavor Fat is Flavor Fat is Flavor.

The reason why I love meatballs is the fact that they are so customizable. You like parsley? Add more! Not an onion fan? Put in less. You like big ones, small ones? It is entirely up to you. You don't like balls? Then make a bolognese sauce!


These meatballs do take awhile, to slowly braise in their own juices and the marinara sauce. The results are tender, juicy meatballs rather than the gritty, dry ones you get from that place that has a blue and yellow sign and sells a lot of table and chairs.

If this be my vice, I will gladly go to hell.

250g each of beef and pork mince
1 onion, chopped roughly
1 clove of garlic, grated
1 beaten egg
Bunch of parsley, chopped rougly
1/2 cup bread crumbs - if dry, rehydrate with water/milk 
1/4 cup freshly grated Parmesan
Salt and pepper to taste

2 onions, finely chopped
3-4 cloves of garlic, finely minced
1 jar marinara sauce - I used Prego
1 tbsp Worcestershire 
2 tbsp ketchup 
Salt and pepper to taste
Parsley or Basil to garnish 

1. Combine all ingredients for meatballs except for the meat themselves. Mix well. Fold into meat mixture with a fork - The heat of your hands will toughen your meatballs, and don't be too concerned about getting it perfectly mixed. Chill for 30mins.

2. Roll meat mixture into balls, size will alter your cooking (and eating) time. Pan fry in a medium high heat pan until each meatball develops a nice crust. Set aside. 

3. For the sauce, saute onions and garlic until fragrant, add in all the other liquids and season to taste. You might have to add in water to thin out the sauce if necessary. Bring to a simmer.

4. Put meatballs into your sauce, don't discard all the yummy meat juices that's left on the plate. Pour it all in. Leave partially covered and cook for 1 hour. 

5. Remove lid and taste again for seasoning. Once you're happy with it, serve it over polenta, pasta or eat it with bread. Make meatball sliders. Garnish with fresh herbs. 

Though it might seem like there are many steps, but trust me, once you make your own meatballs, you will never eat it outside or frozen ones again. 

See you in hell :)