Dec 6, 2012

Recipe: Pavlova

Desserts make me happy. 

Perhaps its the large amounts of butter and sugar they are made with.

Perhaps its the dainty cups and colorful sprinkles they are adorned with.

Perhaps its the way they go straight to my thighs.

I find pavlovas a great dessert to make when you have egg whites sitting in the fridge (and no bodybuilders in the house to appreciate them). 

And though it may have a fancy name, it is basically a meringue recipe. So don't let that intimidate you.

They are the kind of desserts which beauty lies in its imperfections. It will rise beautifully, only to crack on you. But when covered in whipped cream and fresh fruits, all will be forgiven.

I have always made these with a hand held mixer but I've learned that when done by hand, your meringue is less likely to leak. The end result will also have a better texture - crunchy on the outside, with a marshmallow center. 

I like to use the end of my spatula to make little wisps on the top of the meringue before it goes into the oven.

This little peaks will brown up beautifully and makes it so much prettier. 

This dessert takes a while to make. It mostly consist of you putting it into the oven and waiting. 

You're looking for this pale golden color and the meringue isn't wet on the outside. 

And will it stick? Despite putting corn flour at the bottom and parchment paper? 

Yes. But always remember that whatever's left on the parchment paper is considered the cook's treat. 

Make this dessert. It is beautiful. 

And yummy. 


2 egg whites (make sure there's no yolk in these)
1/2 cup of fine granulated sugar
1 tsp of the essence of vanilla
1 tsp of white vinegar
1tsp corn flour

For garnish:

½ cup of softly whipped cream (slightly sweetened with icing sugar)

Strawberries or any other fresh fruits

1. In a clean bowl, whisk egg whites until they become frothy.
2. Add your sugar in several additions, making sure to beat well. (Rub a little meringue between your fingers, you shouldn't feel any sugar grains)
3. Beat until you form stiff peaks. (Refer to first picture, or hold the bowl over your head - nothing should fall out)
4. On a baking sheet, line with parchment paper and sprinkle some corn flour. Pour your meringue, forming a circular shape. Do not make it too thin.
5. Preheat oven to 180C, bake for 15 minutes, then lower temperature to 150C, bake for another hour.
6. Leave meringue to cool in your oven (turned off) with the door ajar. 
7. Garnish with cream and fresh fruit.
8. Serve immediately.

Happy Baking.

1 comment:

  1. So little egg whites!! Mine needed 7 :O Must try this version soon!!!

