Oct 13, 2013

I Ate: Brownies from CookieJar

I have a confession to make. 

I cannot make brownies.

I have made it for the grand total of five times, each attempt worse than the last. 

I thought the sixth time would be the charm but my parents threatened to disown me.

I stumbled upon Cookie Jar's baked goods delivery service as I was prowling the Internet instead of being productive at work.

Their concept is to bring together some of Malaysia's finest bakers under one roof and instead of you driving to them, they will send the goods to you. 

My Asian (cheap-skate) side was intrigued. 

Their website is straightforward. Pictures of various desserts with the price clearly stated and a short description with each. 

Though variety is limited, they do have a wide range of cupcakes to cookies, even artisan breads. 

Given that they are new, I am sure that in time, there will be more options. 

It was easy to pick your favorite vice dessert and its quantity and keying in your details and delivery address at the check out. 

My brownies were dirt cheap. RM24 for 24 pieces. That is RM1 per piece. As opposed to the stores that charge you RM3. (and extra for ice cream)

I am sorry, but my Asian (cheap-skate) side couldn't help it. 

My brownies arrive three days after I place my order as written on the website. The box is simply adorned with a peach bow but customization is possible with earlier notice.

Mistress Brownie is the brand name of the independent baker - I think this simple recognition is a nice touch.

Lo and behold. 24 pieces of walnut brownies in parchment paper - the bottom of the box won't get stained and oily. 

Given, they were tad bit smaller than your usual ones but that is just another reason to eat just one more. 

Enough of talk, the most important question is, how do they taste?

These definitely fall under the chewy brownie category, with the distinct papery crust on top. These had a very good mouth feel - not too fudge like that it sticks to the back of your teeth, nor too crumbly. Deep, rich chocolate flavor without the cheap aftertaste of margarine that you get at some places.  The walnuts used were fresh though I personally prefer if there were better nuts to brownie ratio.

I would recommend nuking them in the microwave for 20 seconds to warm them through.

I don't like cold brownies, but that's because I have deep psychological issues. 

The next time your parents hate your brownies, you might want to give Cookie Jar a try.