Dec 9, 2013

Fat Die You Potato Gratin

I love to eat. 

Growing up, eating was much more than to ease hunger. 

My favorite childhood memories revolved around the dining table and the food my grandmother made. 

Life was easier back then. My grandmother's vocabulary did not include words like 'diet' or 'clean eating'

I was never too fat or flabby. I never knew what portion control or BMI meant. 

I just knew that food meant comfort. 

That there is no better way of showing someone that you love them than to cook for them. 

The ingredients you need to make a white sauce that would make your skirt fly up. 

These days, in order to fit into dresses and to keep my boyfriend around, I no longer eat as much.

But once in a while, I do make 'comfort' food. With cheeses and cream and a lot of carb on carb action. 

This sauce is so good, you'd want to bathe in it.

Slice your potatoes thinly, so that they do not take forever to cook.

Take the extra time to layer your potatoes. (So that your family eats dinner at 9pm)

If something looks this good before it's cooked, you know it's going to taste awesome.

This potato gratin is the definition of comfort food.  Layers of potato smothered in a rich bechamel sauce and baked with cheese;

It is not exactly diet friendly or fat free.

But I promise you that having to spend extra time on the treadmill after eating this will be worth it.


8 medium sized potatoes, sliced thinly
3 Tbsp of All Purpose Flour
3 Tbsp of Unsalted Butter
1-1/2 cups of Whole Milk
1/2 cup of Heavy Cream
2 Tbsp of Fresh Thyme
2 Cloves of Garlic, crushed
Small Pinch of Grated Nutmeg
1-1/4 cups of Sharp Cheddar or Gruyere Cheese
Salt and Pepper, to taste

1. Make a roux by melting butter in the saucepan and adding in your flour. Cook the flour for a minute over medium heat until it turns slightly golden brown.

2. Add in your milk and cream to the roux and stir. Add crushed garlic, thyme and nutmeg. Cook until sauce thickens. Stir constantly to prevent from sticking to the bottom of the pan.

3. Season with salt and pepper to taste and remove the thyme stalk and garlic. 

4. Butter a baking dish or a casserole dish and add a small layer of sauce followed by the potato slices. Repeat until all the sauce and potato is gone. 

5. Cover the top of your dish with aluminium foil and bake at 200C for 45 minutes. 

6. Remove the foil and sprinkle grated cheese on top. Bake for an additional 15 minutes, until cheese is fully melted and golden brown.

7. Allow gratin to sit for at least 20 minutes if you do not want to be admitted to the hospital for 3rd degree burns on your tongue. 

Yes, you'll be fat. But you will also be very happy.

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